When it Opposes New Energy, Old Energy is Powerless
Saturday, November 10, we arrived home after a week in San Francisco. During that week, I spent more time in the Marriott Hotel and our room on the
floor than I did outside the building. Even when I did venture out,
the tall buildings all around often shaded my walks in the city. Sunday
afternoon, I reflected on how good it was to be home in LA, with the
sun shining down upon me. It was a glorious feeling.
Just as I came to understand the meaning of unconditional, universal love,
my being rocketed headfirst, and in freefall. It was not that I
traveled far, but I could see and feel a cylinder of light energy around
me. Almost immediately, my consciousness began to rise, telling me
that this might be an earthquake, and that I should wake up, which I
did. As my temporal consciousness returned, I let out an audible moan, which brought me all the way back to the present moment.
Nothing had changed. The room was quiet and I had
not awakened my partner with my unearthly yelp. Next, when the dog next
door starting to bark, I had an hour or so to contemplate what had just
happened. There was no way I could say that this was “just a dream”.
The energy infusion and concomitant feelings were far greater than
anything I had ever felt before, either awake or asleep. Lying there, I
felt like asking, “What the heck was that?”. Finally, I fell asleep
and had a good night’s rest.
On Sunday, my thoughts returned to the
energy-exchange incident I had experienced in bed the night before. As I
meditated on the subject, new thoughts and feelings came to me. While
I was both asking and answering my friend’s question, I had felt a
complete release of everything I had ever held back in my life. I
opened up and gave my love to the entire
Simultaneously, I received a spectrum of powerful new energies, all in
that moment. Ancient stories talk about individuals who experience a
visitation from a “shaft of light”. Because of our cultural bias
towards biblical interpretations, we naturally assume that such a light
comes from above, like a spotlight on the stage of life. In my case, it
did not. I felt like I was inside a scanner, not much different from
an open MRI machine. During the giving and receiving of love that I had experienced, something in my core genetics had changed, or rearranged.
Yes, we can access the universe, not merely one of its near-earth
realms, where chaos often reigns. Chaos in those near-earth dimensions
works like a breeder reactor. The more chaos and fear we, here on
Earth, send out through our electromagnetheric transmitters (our
brains), the more we receive chaotic or fragmented information back from
these non-physical realms. The volatility of energy dynamics in the
near-earth realms occurs because of the intermingling of the two largest
groups of non-physical beings gathering there. One group is comprised
of recently departed earthlings, many of whom have appeared there after
traumatic or unplanned deaths. The other major contingent of
non-physical beings inhabiting the near-earth
consists of “crystals”, defined as those who have never been on Earth
before. The two groups are so energetically dissimilar that their
energies can conflict, cancel each other or combine into energies never
before felt on Earth, hence the name,
The signs are all around us, if we believe that we
can see, hear or read them for what they are. New energies, combining
frequencies not previously activated, or new energies having no
frequency at all coalesce around with those who are open to them. What
are these new energies and what do they “do”? They, in connecting with
our own ethereal access points do not do anything to us or for
us. The new energies may be nothing more than lines of communications
(string & can-telephone style?) to the universe.
“new energy”.
If one can obtain a broad enough perspective, one
can see order in chaos. The apparent chaos created by the meeting of
these anomalous energies can result in unpredicted forms of energy
transferring between dimensions, possibly affecting some of us on
Earth. The types of energies we receive from the near-earth realms and
from the universe at large are dependent on only one thing. That
“thing” is our point of attraction. If we open ourselves up to the love
and understanding that is available to each of us, we shall partake of
new energies yet unimagined.
If we take the road towards fear and recrimination,
we shift our point of attraction and the new energies cannot connect
with us. If we hold hope in our hearts for only a moment, hope connects
with love and thus creates a potential for new energy flow. Since all
energy seeks resolution, the flow may be dramatic, as it was for me or
it may be so subtle as to make you doubt its existence. If we allow
doubt to enter our thoughts, we force another energy decision-point. In
that flux of continual change, conscious life becomes a series of
decision points. As each decision approaches, one can easily ignore
hope and return to a default state of fear. In that plane, fighting and
"pushing against", which are prime characteristics of old energy, may
rise again. Because manifestation always trails intent, old energy ways
may still be a a "grounding point" for many of us, throughout this
If we personally were to use old energy to earn $7.9
billion during one quarter of a year, the guilt we might feel could
imbalance us enough to run a series of thinly veiled “mia culpa” ads, as
Chevron has unintentionally done. Chevron's ad model looks like a
high-class bum. With the look of a Wall Street insider, should we
identify with him? In judging his questionable conversion to a supposed
new energy ethic, might we heap further derision on his guilty soul?
Regardless of whether we share his guilt or dispise
him for his apparent former excesses, we have bought into the “fear of
shortage” syndrome that keeps group consciousness panicked and ready to
bolt. All of this happens in a bumbled, yet powerful attempt at
manipulation. Chevron Man's disingenuous declaration, “I will use less
energy” sounds like what we might hear right after he has admitted to
being an “energy-aholic”. The ads attempt to tell us that we are all
complicit in wasting energy and thus we are all as guilty as their
partially defaced spokesmodel appears to be.
As the Wizard of Oz once said, “Pay no attention to
the man behind the curtain”. In Chevron’s advertising campaign, they
put the man in front of the curtain, scribble all over his
face, and then dare us to figure out where all of our money went. On
that day in the future when Chevron pledges ten percent of its bloated,
windfall profits to new and sustainable energies, I will gladly support
them in their quest to “save the world”. Until that time, I entreat
them to keep their sanctimonious, self-serving advertising campaign to
themselves. Hey there, Chevron Man, is that your self-mutilated,
graffiti-scarred face staring out at me from my copy of The New Yorker?
Yes, I thought so.
The lines of communications between love and fear
are no longer open. Now we must choose one or the other. As Earth’s
population approaches its carrying capacity of around ten billion
physical souls, the price of entry here has gone up. Because of our
collective prayers and wishes, from this time on, only those who have
something to contribute shall enter the Earth-realm as human beings.
Does this mean that life will soon be perfect for
all of Earth’s residents or that war will cease immediately? I am sorry
to say, “No, that is not true”. If we combine statistics on the
current "human recycling" rate with the low average age on Earth, it
will take a while for the ner-do-wells and energy suckers to cycle out
and be gone. Meanwhile, each of us has a choice to make. We can (here
comes the cliché) remake ourselves as part of the solution or remain as
part of the problem.
The epic struggle on Earth right now is not about
gay marriage, animal rights, global warming, genocide or even the rise
of stupidity in mass culture. It is
about fear and hope. Move towards fear and you will contribute to chaos
on Earth. Hope for a better day, or surpassing that, experience a
better day and you will contribute more to the common good than you may
The world is a beautiful place and experiencing its
beauty first hand is the only way to go. Get outside and feel the
sunshine, or for that matter, the rain, wind or snow on your face.
Allow the power of nature to cleanse your soul, if only for a moment,
for in that moment, you shall discover the power of universal love and
new energies with which to enjoy it.