Showing posts with label New Earth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Earth. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Access New Energy Now - 2008


The "Blue Marble", Planet Earth, from space - click for larger image (

Access New Energy Now

Over the past year, the wireless mouse that goes with my computer became recalcitrant unless I used every day.  Typically, it would freeze up and refuse to connect until my vibrational alignment was compatible with my computer work.  Monday was one of those days.  At about 11:00 AM, I finally took a deep breath and relaxed.  That is approximately when the mouse started working again.  Of course, my issue with the mouse was vibrational.  I had not cleared its energy or mine for almost two days.  The mouse needed a hard shutdown and restart to bring it back to life.  I needed some yoga and stretching to calm my mind in a way that some call meditation.
Attending to my personal and spiritual needs was nice to think about, but I had just put myself through a weekend without a conscious pause.  Feeling wide-awake as I lay in bed that night, I realized that other than sleeping, I had not stretched my muscles or relaxed my brain in almost two days.  Over the past couple of months, I had started a daily stretching routine.  Now, such previously frivolous activities are necessary for my continued good health.  More than any other personal issue, a good life flows from good health.
The San Francisco Golden Gate, in the golden light of sunset, December 2004 - Click for larger image ( 
Getting up, I went into our exercise room and settled down on my yoga mat, and then breathed in as necessary for a full energy clearing.  Over the years, I have noticed that creative ideas happen often while I am meditating and doing yoga.  It is like a game, where I can hardly wait to see, feel and become whatever it is that my subconscious has put in store for me now.
There I was, posed on my yoga mat, feeling the energy clearing all around me, then leaving me in a bubble of enlightened energy.  This is not me bragging about my personal enlightenment.  The Energy Bubble was the Enlightened One, leaving me wanting ever more of the same.
On November 19, 2007, a hearty band of 325 human souls in Taos, New Mexico celebrated a Quantum Leap in energy .  Although appearances tell us that we had a slow manifestational start, new consciousness orchestrated changes in events that opened many of us up to the potential of new energy realities.  It does not take millions of people to change the course of history or help to create a better outcome for Gaia, our Mother Earth.  According to scientific evidence, it takes as few as the square root of one percent of the affected population to shift energies to what computer scientists might call a “new platform” or physicists would call a “new state”.
Moon, conjunction Jupiter and Venus, November 2008 - Click for larger image ( 
I will not endeavor to tell the whole story of new energy here.  For easy listening or reading on that fascinating subject, check the Crimson Circle website.  Register for the free “Channel Library” and then tap in to this valuable information. 
Before I give examples of access points for new energy, may I remind you that new energy is available free of charge and in unlimited supply for all?  In the new energy realms, the concept of shortage is unknown and in fact does not exist.  “Shortage thinking” is one of the longest standing and strongest old-energy precepts.  It resides near the foundation of both our capitalist system and many of today’s organized religions.  The old-energy maven would say, “There is not enough of this old-energy to go around”.  Then, in unspoken collusion with other old-energy mavens, he tries to create artificial shortages of old-energy supplies whenever he can.  This drives up all old-energy prices and allows the old-energy maven to keep more of the old-energy supply, or money for himself.  The old-energy mavens think little about wrecking the world economy, starting or encouraging regional wars and generally wreaking as much havoc on the world as they can.  During the Vietnam War, there was a cynical, but all too honest appraisal of what was necessary for victory there.  “We had to destroy the village in order to save it.”
If the old-energy mavens had their way, they would suck, crush, blast or strip every old-energy resource from the Earth before they go.  The only problem with that concept is that the old-energy mavens are the least likely to escape their self-created and incipient ecological Armageddon.  Not known for their lighthearted approach to life, few old-energy souls would dare to dematerialize here or re-materialize on some New Earth.  More likely, they would hunker down and be the last to enjoy their fossil fuels, even as they, the last of the old guard spontaneously revert to a fossil-state themselves.
The body position in yoga known as "The Lotus" - Click to view original artwork. 
When comparing old-energy to new energy, an interesting fact emerges.  Some humans can bridge the energy gap by taking a leap of faith that there will always be a new and wonderful tomorrow, right here on Earth.  Old energetics will try to hold or pull us back to fear and shortage.  However, those who are able to rapidly access new energy shall just as rapidly break free of their old-energy bonds and habits.
New energy is not all about “solar, wind and biomass”.  Those were necessary and once novel approaches to energy production.  Their fatal flaw as “new energies” is that they are connected to the old-energy grid every bit as much as a "belch-fire", like the coal-fired Navajo Generating Station.  For many years, it held the record as the undisputed largest single source of old-energy gas emissions in the Four Corners region.
Luckily, new energy is much more whimsical than old-energy, with its connection to ancient conflicts and conundrums.  New energy is everywhere, waiting like Easter eggs to be found by us, the children of the Earth.  New Energy is abundant in water, light and in the air that we breathe.  Only our preconceived notions and fixed belief systems keep us from seeing or feeling that new energy is ubiquitous in Nature.
Relatively high rates of old-energy usage are locked into our current Earth-management system.  Here in the U.S., we must admit that old-energy helps us keep warm in the winter and allows us to travel across the landscape in our formerly beloved automobiles.  Because change does not manifest overnight, we shall live with gradually declining remnants of old-energy and old-energy thinking throughout the transition period.
Planet Saturn, viewed from "above" - Click for larger image ( 
Since the Quantum Leap in 2007, the new energies have more frequently shown themselves to me.  If you are an “old-energy reader”, you can stop here, because the balance of this article will not make any sense to you.  For those of you who are more curious than the typical old-energy maven, please read on.
Easy Access to New Energy
  1. Find a quiet place to lay out your yoga mat.  If possible, play some soft instrumental music in the background.  Sit on the mat, preferably facing towards a full-length mirror.  Assume your own personal version of the lotus position.  With your derriere planted firmly on the floor, touch middle fingers to thumb and point your palms to the sky.  Take in a deep breath and then let it out.  From there, breathe normally, but deeply as you go.  Time the duration of your inhalations to match that of your exhalations.  Count quietly or aloud, “One, two, three, four, five” on each inhalation and the same on each exhalation.  Over a period of time, you will intuitively learn to count at the same rate as your heartbeat, thus linking your heart rhythm to your breath rhythm.  We call that “Heart Breathing”, which is one portal into the realm of new energy.
  2. As a variation to what you just experienced above, assume your lotus pose, but this time place your palms and fingers together as if in prayer.  The prayer itself is optional.  Still, you might find that just sitting there in that pose and breathing deeply, you will naturally put out a prayer, offering your love to All that Is.  If so, do not be alarmed.  It is just You getting back in touch with your own Divinity.  Recognizing one’s self as part of The Divine is a second and very easy way to access the realms of new energy. 
  3. As you sit, be sure to place your hands together, first at your heart, then in front of your face and finally above your head.  Notice how your energetic offering and acceptance changes with the position of your hands.  Raising your hands while in the prayer position symbolizes your own personal offering of love to All that Is.  Alternatively, with palms up, you open yourself to receiving new energy from the universal Source.  Note that new energy actually works in all directions simultaneously. View of Saturn and one moon - Click for larger image (
  4. Over many years, I craved for revelation, which I hoped to receive from outside forces of a godly nature.  Imagine how funny it was for me to find that the key to unlocking what some would call “the secrets of the universe” is self-love.  Regardless of your current pose or bodily position, take a few moments and admire your reflection in the mirror that is before you.  Yes, initially it may be hard to look yourself in the eye, if only for the truth that your eyes might reveal.  Sitting quietly, breathe and allow yourself to love that person who shimmers there in front of you.  In so doing, you will discover another portal to new energy and universal love.  
  5. For humans, love and intimacy go hand in hand, so give up denial and learn again how to love yourself in all of the ways that you desire.  Now having learned that it is always good to love yourself, take a good meditative look at your life and realize that all of your dreams really do come true.  This is yet another way for humans to open to new energy.
  6. As long as you are still sitting on your yoga mat, be sure to stretch your muscles and twist your torso around your spinal column.  In order to prevent injury, use care and proceed slowly.  Yoga is not a “weekend warrior’s” sport.  It takes time, perseverance and a desire to experience progressively more pleasurable emotions and feelings of your God's Eye Nebula - Click for larger image (, mixed equally with your own spirituality.
  7. On the concept of spinal rotation… often the athlete with the best-developed torsional-rotation around his or her spinal column is the most successful in their sport.  Picture a golf professional or perhaps a baseball star as they make their perfect swing.  Only here and now, All that Is asks you to be the star.  When you rotate your spine, you might hear and feel something in there go “pop”.  Traditional theory says that you are realigning your vertebrae and that your body does so with a mechanical “pop”.  In the era of new energy, we are coming to realize that the “pop” is the opening or reopening of our spinal cords to new channels of energy, as received from the universe.  In return for sharing our physicality with a largely non-physical universe, we receive a corresponding update to our DNA.  Think of it as similar to downloading a new operating system to your smart phone.  Suddenly, the whole device works better and you are startled to believe that it is true.  Soon, you accept this increase in functionality as an entitlement.  In the case of the human being, the irony is that you are both the updated device and the one who must judge its new effectiveness.  In a way, it is akin to asking a computer to think for itself. Vitruvius Man, surrounded by a star tetrahedron - (
  8. Either way, if you “Twist again, like you did last summer, twist again like you did last year”, you will take another peek at what is available in the realms of new energy.  Is it any wonder that Chubby Checker introduced “The Twist” dance craze in July 1960.  If you remember the 60s, you know that when people everywhere began to twist, there was change in the world.
We could go on and give additional examples about access to new energy, but it is time to try it for yourself.  This is not the stuff of training programs and memorization.  It is personal, powerful and loving in Nature.  All you need is a relatively quiet place, a yoga mat, some free time and a desire to create your own future as you wish it to be.  Remember that new energy is fun, so smile as you contemplate your future, either here or on a New Earth.
Happy New Year 2009 to all and to All that Is.

By James McGillis at 06:38 PM | Personal Articles | Comments (0) | Link

Friday, November 22, 2019

When Seawater Laps at The Steps of The New York Stock Exchange... (2008)

The author at Chaco Canyon, New Mexico - Click for larger image (

When Seawater Laps at The Steps of The New York Stock Exchange...

Lately, have you had difficulty keeping track of time?  Do you have to stop and ask yourself whether it is spring or fall?  If so, do not be alarmed.  It is simply your first step on a path towards spiritual enlightenment.  It is not so much that your “forgetting” is good.  The good is that you are loosening the insidious bonds of time from your life.  If we are slaves to the clock or the calendar, we remove serendipity from our lives.
When we finally do “let go”, either at death or sooner, if we so choose, the resulting energy shift may be traumatic or sublime.  That depends on how far we have come along our spiritual path before unforeseen events take us rapidly to a new-energy place.  All that is required is a smile and a heady whiff from the smelling salts of gnost before we take the plunge or ascend to dimensions unknown.
If fear and old energy concerns hold you back, that is OK.  It may not be time for you to step forward and consciously intersect with all that this life and our universe have to offer.  In the U.S., even the fear mongers have taken up the mantra of hope and change.  They may recognize the power of the rhetoric, but embracing the reality of change is too great a stretch for the unaware or the unenlightened.  Old-energy power does not prevail in the new-energy world.
When galactic clusters collide - Click for larger image ( 
If you have followed what we call the “spiritual movement” over the past several years, or if you are an Oprah fan, you have heard many new terms, such as New Earth, Spirit, New Energy, God Within, Source Energy and Quantum Leap.  If you recognize even three or four of these terms, you are shifting your awareness and awakening to your own spiritual path.
None of this need be a problem for you or your loved ones.  The situation stems from an agreement that you made with yourself, prior to birth.  Simply put, you decided to forget your divine origins and to plunge deeply into the “reality” of the physical world in which we live.  For quite a while, that was fine.  However, deep inside you there was always a mixture of yearning and love that you could not gulp back down into its place, to again forget.  All energy seeks resolution and the yearning, love energy within you is no exception.
If you question the validity or truth of your own divinity, why are you reading this information?  You came here for a reason.  That reason involves your own personal spiritual quest.  It is your adventure on Earth and the meaning of your life is there for you to discover.
 Albert Einstein portrait - Click for larger image (
Many, having taken this path before you, are waiting to help you along the way.  All you need do is relinquish control and allow your fears to drift away, into the mist.  If fear or doubts persist, verbalize your request for help.  Help well be summoned and delivered to you in a form that you can easily accept and understand.  All you need to do is open up your heart and allow that help into your life.
How does this, your life, all turn out?  Do not ask me.  It is your life and you are free to create your own positive outcomes.  I am only here to point out that it is your choice to accept or ignore the many signs around you.  If you look with fresh eyes, listen with fresh ears and open your heart to All that Is, wisdom and truth will follow you everywhere. 
One year ago this week, at midnight on September 17, 2007, the earth quietly transformed her energy state.  On that date, over three hundred Shaumbra attended the Quantum Leap Celebration in Taos, New Mexico.  Skeptics will say that scientific instruments recorded nothing and therefore nothing happened.  Some people enjoy saying that if you cannot directly measure something, it cannot be real or true. 
2007 Quantum Leap Celebration Welcome Sign - Click for larger image ( 
Admittedly, three hundred and twenty-five sounds like a small number of people to effect a quantum change in the earth’s energy state.  However, there were far more attendees than the intrepid few mortals who found their way to Taos last fall.  Listening in for three days of live internet broadcasts, thousands more humans received tidings of a new-energy.  Beyond that, there were untold numbers of non-physical beings in attendance.  Slipping into Taos from their home dimensions, they felt what was going on and added their love and wisdom to the mix.
Other than a fireworks display and a thunderstorm that visited overnight, there was not much to prove that there had been a worldwide quantum leap in energy.  Some felt it.  Others did not.  Some were skeptical and others were true believers.  There was no correct or incorrect response.  At that time, I was somewhere between the two poles.  If you are unfamiliar with the Quantum Leap Celebration, read the two articles I wrote about it one year ago, at "The Quantum Leap" and "Hasta la vista, Taos, New Mexico". 
Shaumbra Logo - The Monarch Butterfly - Click for larger image ( 
The moment of the Quantum Leap was September 17, 2007 at midnight Taos, New Mexico time.  I did not stay in the auditorium that night.  Instead, I went out to dinner with friends.  By not staying in the room until midnight, I demonstrated to myself that the new, “quantumized” energy was available in all places, not just at its point of inception.  Tobias, as channeled by Geoffrey Hoppe, had said that September 17, 2007 would feel like any other day.  For me, that was true. 
So much has happened since then, for each of us.  Now there is a tremendous change in energy across the land.  No one knows whether fear or hope will win the day.  Even if fear wins, we can still have hope.  Hope is not dependent on the election of any one candidate.  Old-energy, as exemplified by the greed and corruption in our financial markets may soon lose power on Wall Street and in Washington, DC.  Interestingly, under the most conservative administration in memory, the U.S. is rapidly becoming a socialist state.  The U.S. government now owns the two largest corporations in the world, Fannie May and Freddie Mac, as well as AIG Insurance. Nowadays, small fry like Bear Stearns and Lehman Bros. barely warrant mention.  As we went to press with this document, the U.S. government had just injected $180 billion into the international money markets.  Just whose money was that?
This week, after twenty-eight confused and violent years, Robert Mugabe gave up power in Zimbabwe.  Zimbabwe is the Heart of Africa.  Its spiritual journey towards hope and freedom, although not guaranteed, has at last begun.  Their new Prime Minister, Morgan Tsvangirai will not prosecute Mugabe for his crimes against the state or humanity.  Mugabe’s new task is to reflect on his prior actions and their consequences for his fellow citizens and all of humanity.  From the shadows of war-torn Africa, a ray of hope now shines brightly, to All that Is.  As we encounter that ray, it penetrates our hearts and allows compassion, for Robert Mugabe, for Africa and for all of humanity.  This is true, for we are one.
Old-energy, military power symbols - Click for larger image ( 
As recently stated by Deepak Chopra, we have our own shadows to deal with here in America.  Although there are no guaranteed outcomes, the tide is turning.  Regardless of who become the next president and vice president of the United States, the winds and tides of change are now rising to storm-surge levels.  If you need further proof, view post-hurricane pictures of beachfront real estate along the Texas and Louisiana coasts.
Such events are not God’s retribution for poorly lived lives.  The cause is Gaia, our own Mother Earth cleaning up her energy before she turns the whole planet over to us – the human beings.  Whether humans caused global warming or not is immaterial.  What does matter is dealing with this energy shift in such a way that we do not knowingly put millions of people back in the path of fiscal or physical disaster.  When seawater laps at the steps of the New York Stock Exchange, will the old-energy players still be ignoring the real issues of our day?

The Great Attractor; Is it Us? - 2007

"The Blue Marble", an image of Earth, from Space (

The Great Attractor; Is it Us?

How could any human not be attracted to a term as alluring as “The Great Attractor?”  If one studies the three Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam), a common thread among them is their belief in “One God”, separate and distinct from us, but inextricably linked to us through “His” omnipresence and omnipotence.
What if scientists could locate an unseen “attractive mass” with such great density that earth, our galaxy and all of the Local Group of Galaxies near our Milky Way Galaxy were heading towards it at a rate of 600 kilometers per second?  What if it was big, unseen and had an attractive power that pervaded our “universal neighborhood”?  Could that “Great Attractor” indeed be our long-sought God?
Scientists and metaphysicians tend to see things in different ways.  After researching the subject, we could not find a single scientist on earth who has "connected the dots" between “The Great Attractor” (yes, it is real) and the “One God” who is feared and worshiped by a large percentage of the earth’s population. "The Great Attractor, and Beyond" Banner
Although it may be attractive to think humankind has finally located “God” right here in our own cosmic neighborhood, we offer a different hypothesis. In our Theory of Everything, we believe that the ancients had it right in the first place.  Quite naturally, with the instruments and technologies of their times, each pre-Abrahamic culture saw the earth as the center of the universe.
In 1514, Nicolaus Copernicus proposed that our Sun resides at a fixed point and that the Earth is a planet which, besides orbiting the Sun annually, also turns once daily on its own axis.  Later, Galileo, Kepler, Descartes and Newton expanded on Copernican theory and solidified the scientific method as the “right way of thinking”.Nicolaus Copernicus - Click for larger image (
As time passed, the great religions softened their own theories of creation, allowing for a “physical plane” and a “spiritual plane”.  Earth was earth, heaven was heaven and mortal death was the only way to travel from earth to heaven.  Once in heaven, there was no available “return trip” to earth.  At death, the “game of life” was over, except for those who properly obeyed the rules of their chosen religion.  Only those righteous and the holy ones received a grant of eternal rest in a non-temporal heaven.  In those times of struggle, eternal rest seemed like a good deal and many sought that end.
As a result of all this jockeying for position, both here on earth and in the cosmos, Mother Earth, or Gaia, as some prefer to call Her, became a proving-ground for the determination of which religion had a better line to the “One God” and what “He” wanted from us.  The result was what we commonly call religious war.  In order to get almost everyone into the fight, the righteous de-emphasized “religion” and we now have the simple and powerful concept of “War” as our rallying cry.  War is now so popular that we have wars on poverty, drugs, drunk-driving, terrorism and teenage pregnancy, not to mention two separate “shooting wars” in Asia.
Interestingly enough, the scientists of our home planet not only brought us the “right thinking” of science, but also a steady succession of new and improved weapons for both individual and mass destruction.  It is to the point now where we, as a culture, devote endless hours of cable and satellite television time to what are nothing more than thinly disguised commercials for weapon systems development and the “practical” uses of those weapons.
Geoffrey Hoppe & wife Linda Benyo, on stage at the 2007 Quantum Leap Celebration, Taos, New MexicoUnseen and unknown to those who have adopted hate as a way of life, there is a consciousness rising on earth that is more powerful by far than their desire to kill all who do not believe as they do.  Early adherents to this form of consciousness included Buddha (the Enlightened One), Jesus (Yeshua), Lao Tzu, Mahavir (founder of Jainism) and others of more recent vintage, such as Mahatma Gandhi.
In our current times, such thinkers and seers as Tobias (via Geoffrey Hoppe) and author Eckhart Tolle show the way toward a new consciousness and a New Earth.  The New Earth, at its core, exemplifies a spirituality whose hallmarks are peace, love and compassion, for one’s self, our fellow humans, our earth and finally, for All That Is.
If we draw on the wisdom of the ancients, we will learn again, that “thought creates”.  If mass consciousness creates war and disrespect for our living earth, individual consciousness, focusing on the goodness in us all, can create at a far more powerful rate.  If “like attracts like”, as the universal Law of Attraction so aptly tells us, we “mere mortals” have the power to not only change the world, but to shift mass consciousness and thus, the structure of the universe.
"Earth In Ascension" book cover, by Nancy Clark, PhDAs Nancy Clark, PhD, Director of Intuitive Energy Healing in Tucson, Arizona told me Nancy Clark, PhDin a personal interview several years ago, our earth is rapidly “moving” to a point where it will be near, if not at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy.  Scientists will point out that earth is nowhere near the creational center of the universe, as defined by the cosmic location of the Big Bang.  Meta-physicians, such as Nancy deal in a multidimensional universe where the “center” of either our galaxy or even the universe may or may not co-locate with the scientific topological center. In my theory, I extrapolate from Nancy Clark's work to say that perhaps we here on Earth are nearing the center of All That Is.
Scientists have studied the one-dimensional “energy strings” of string theory out to the point where they hypothesize several, if not many compressed (zip-filed?) dimensions.  Unlike normal matter, these compressed dimensions hold enormous mass, but remain invisible to observers in a three dimensional time-space reality (3DTSR) such as ours.  In similar fashion, we cannot detect “The Great Attractor”, either visually or electromagnetically.
If thoughts emanate as energy, then they have mass.  If humankind has placed untold numbers of thoughts out there in the universe, seeking God, is Earth-centric view of the universe - Click for larger image ( not possible that we have indeed created the mass of “The Great Attractor”, itself?  Is it possible that we here on earth are now engaged in a dance with “The Great Attractor”, where we mutually rush headlong towards a melding with each other?  Are we zooming towards it or is it zooming towards us? 
If thought travels instantaneously, rather than at the old and slow “speed of light” can our thoughts and aspirations of a higher order bring a universal convergence of consciousness whenever we, individually and collectively decide that, “it is time”?  If we were to allow this change in our thinking, might we indeed create a New Earth at any time we individually and collectively decide to do so?

By James McGillis at 06:34 PM | Personal Articles | Comments (1) | Link