Ready, Fire, Aim Creating Your New Blog
Thanks for visiting
JamesMcGillis.com. Since the inception of this blog, a little over six
months ago, we have posted over 50 articles on various subjects. Last
week, 750 people from around the world clicked on this website and
viewed over 1500 separate pages. If you compare our results with some
of the big political blogs or scandal blogs, that may not sound like
much, but we appreciate every reader who “tunes in”.
If you could start a “newspaper”
today for under $500 and have a readership of 750 people per week in
less than six months, would you do it? If you answered, “Yes”, you are a
candidate for starting your own blog. If you have the skills to use
Microsoft Word and FrontPage 2003, you can create effective “text and
pictures” blog entries in almost no time.
“But what would I write about?” you ask. That is part of the fun of
a blog. One day you can write about the environment, the next day it
might be politics and the third it could be about your travels. Writing
a blog is like diving into a meandering stream. You may get wet, but
you are not going to drown.

Once you find yourself in the current
of the stream, you will naturally begin to refine the "subject" of your
blog. Since initially, your readership will be limited, you can play
around, get comfortable with the process and try out new ideas. If you
look at the list of our blog entries on the right side of this page, it
encompasses over forty different subjects. If you post something and
later do not like it, you can "turn it off" or delete it.
Regarding your new blog website and
its initial look – Your webmaster can easily change any accompanying
explanatory text. If you have an agreement with your webmaster, he or
she may offer to do so at no additional charge. That way, if you find
your true passion, you can adjust the Home Page to reflect your current

Although starting a blog seemed a bit
daunting at first, it is now an essential part of my personal
creativity. Since I do not paint, sculpt or play a musical instrument,
this process is my primary outlet for creating “art”.

We are here to help you get started.
If you are ready "take the plunge", click on my signature and shoot me
an email. In less than one week and for less than $500 (U.S.) we will
assist you in getting your website hosted, your URL registered and your own customized blog, live on the World Wide Web. The best way to make your blog-dream come true is to repeat this mantra: "Ready, Fire, Aim".
By James McGillis at 05:52 PM | Technology | Comments (0) | Link
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