Going to The Back of Beyond in Downtown Moab, Utah
On April 17, 2012, I departed the Pack Creek Campground, taking U.S. Highway 191 North. After a two-mile drive, I stopped in the parking lot of the Gearheads Outdoor Store, at 471 South Main Street. There, in the parking lot I saw the shadow of the Other, examining an old white Jeep pickup truck. As I approached the little truck, I could see that its frost-white and pale green paint job was new. With a bed full of patio furniture, this was a work truck, not a show truck.
To me, it looked similar to the Jeeps and Jeepsters
that I remember from the early 1950s. Below the chrome, 4-Wheel Drive
logo, bits of Moab’s red dirt
clung to the body. During an extensive internet search, I found other
examples of Willys Jeep pickup trucks. The front end of a 1950 model
that I found
was identical, right down to the eight-by-four grill opening. While
standing there, I decided that this classic model Jeep Truck was where
it belonged – in Downtown Moab, Utah.
After admiring the vehicle, I jumped back into my own
truck and headed for Downtown Moab. After parking on Main Street, near
the Moab Information Center, I walked across the street and entered the Back of Beyond Books.
For the past several years, I have provided the hardware and the
remote internet server for a Moab Books live webcam, installed at the
back of the shop. Today, it was time for a webcam tune-up, which
consists mostly of blowing a lot of red Moab dust out of the computer fans.
Next time you are in Moab, be sure to visit the Antiquarian Section, at the back of the bookstore. In my experience, it is the best source for Moab, and Colorado Plateau
antique books anywhere. Spending an hour in the Antiquarian Section is
like a baptism in the Grand River, or its later incarnation, which is
the Colorado River.
While you are in the store, look up and locate the small flashing red
light. Every ten seconds, that webcam transmits a digital image of the
bookstore to the worldwide web. Once you locate the webcam, it is
acceptable to make faces or even to smile at the camera. Just remember that there are over 600 million Chinese online
now and most of them are probably watching you as you make a fool out
of yourself. Before you leave, please tell the staff that the webcam
brought you in that day.
At the rear of the store, I went into the staff area, which is
off-limits to customers. My approved plan was to blow the dust from the
computer, adjust the camera, check its timer and be back on the road
as soon as possible. In front of those café doors, the customer sees
the results of careful book selection by Andy Nettell and his capable staff. Behind those swinging doors, I found the spirit that makes Back of Beyond Books such a special place.
Rumor has it that many years ago the Monkey Wrench Gang met in the back room of the bookstore. “Back of Beyond”, itself is a reference to their mythical
hiding place. From there, this country’s proto eco-terrorists planned
their sometimes mythical and sometimes actual plots. On the other hand,
was the gang’s association with that particular backroom just a story
in itself? Soon, I would have more clues than I could process.
As I looked up from my dusty work, Kokopelli
appeared above me. His multicolored blush told me he was up to
something. As I stood up, I could see that he had found an old sign,
which he had propped up on a nearby laptop computer. As I read the
words printed on the sign, a chill ran up my spine. The magnetic decal
sign read, “Back of Beyond Expeditions, Jos. Smith Prop., Hite, Utah”.
Had Kokopelli stepped into another Edward Abbey time warp? On the
sign, I saw the name, occupation and locale of the fictional character,
“Seldom Seen Smith”. Edward Abbey featured Seldom Seen Smith in his
classic novel, The Monkey Wrench Gang. While looking at the sign, I
wondered if Smith might indeed be a real person. After a clandestine
meeting in that backroom, perhaps he had rushed out the back door,
leaving the famed magnetic sign behind.
from behind me, I sensed that two piercing blue eyes were staring at
me. Turning to look, I saw a watercolor painting that captured the
feeling of the redrocks around Moab. Standing before the Arches he sought to protect, was the Bard of Moab
himself, Edward Abbey. Displayed next to his intense, if not worried
countenance were the words, “Abbey & Friends”. Below that was the
French phrase, “Livres Disponibles en Francais”. While looking straight
into my soul, Abbey silently, yet dispassionately said; “You are going
to do the right thing, aren’t you?” It was more of a statement than a
question. I almost blurted out, “Yes, of course I will”, but somehow I
managed to remain silent.
Years before, I had asked the Spirit of Edward Abbey to accompany me to Sunset Campground at Navajo National Monument. In his first classic book, Desert Solitaire,
Edward Abbey had decried the supposed destruction of the monument in
the late 1950s. At that time, the federal government paved the access
road and upgraded the campground to contemporary standards. In spirit,
he could see that not all the changes to his own personal “Back of
Beyond” were harmful. If visitors could not access and enjoy these
sacred places, his spirit realized, there would be no one ready to
defend them from future harm. Now, from his perch in the backroom of
Back of Beyond Books, Edward Abbey still had the power to startle
visitors and readers alike.
While walking back to my truck, I spotted another interesting Jeep pickup truck. This one was easier to identify than the 1950’s era Willys pickup I had seen earlier that day. After later searching the term “Jeep CJ Truck”, I found this Jeep truck with ease. With its removable half-cab and longer wheelbase, this was a red 1981 – 1984 Jeep CJ-8 Scrambler, 2-door pickup truck. During its four year production run, Jeep sold less than 28,000 CJ-8 trucks. With its special
As I drove back to the Pack Creek Campground late that afternoon, I paused to think about the day’s activities. I had seen two classic Moab 4-Wheelers, updated the Back of Beyond Books webcam and discovered clues to the onetime whereabouts of the Monkey Wrench Gang. In all of that time, I had seen only one other human being – Edward Abbey, or was it the Spirit of Edward Abbey? A visitor never knows what they will see or who they will meet in Downtown Moab, Utah.
By James McGillis at 06:22 PM | | Comments (0) | Link